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    • #24775

      A few questions:

      1. can we print labels on a dymo 4xl?
      2. can we keep a balance of funds in easy post?

      3. does your plugin allow for the calculation of USPS cubic rate/dimensional shipments?
      4. does your plugin allow for the sizing of boxes to 1/4 inch? As an example, the box size could be 5.25″ x 5.5″ x 10.5″
      5. does your plugin allow for us to create packaging presets? For example: Package 1 is 5.25″ x 5.5″ x 10.5″ with weight 8 pounds and services of USPS cubic rate.
      6. If your plugin does not allow for the creation of packaging presets, is there a second plugin that we can use in conjunction with your plugin to achieve the final goal? To reinforce, our business relies for 90% of orders to be via cubic rate and 9.9% of orders to be via USPS flat rate boxes and .1% to be via 1st class mail.
      7. Ideally companion plugin would enable rules like if customers orders item A, then gets shipping preset B which is cubic rate box, if orders quantity two of item A, then gets shipping preset C which large flat rate box. All shipping is free.

    • #24776

      Hi Justin,

      Thanks for reaching out to us.
      Kindly find the answers to your queries:
      – Our EasyPost plugin can generate labels for the following sizes – 8.5×11(PDF) and 4×6(PNG). Please check the with printer manufacturer for the supported formats and sizes.
      – Currently, funds cannot be traced in this plugin.
      – Yes, it does allow calculation of USPS cubic rates/dimensions shipments.
      – Our plugin will allows sizing of the boxes to any dimensions provided the carrier supports it.
      – Could you please elaborate on the term “Packaging pre-sets”. We did not get the exactly from your example. Do you mean to pack first package in a specific box, another package in another box, etc? If this is your requirement, then we can confirm the plugin has this feature.
      We recommend you have a talk with our experts via support.wooforce.com.

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