United Parcel Service, Inc. (UPS) is the world’s largest package delivery company. UPS delivers in 220 countries and territories around the world. UPS also operates its own airline and air cargo delivery service.
This tuto UPS shipping extension. It will give you all the essential knowledge and step-by-step instructions.
Setting Up UPS extension
You can configure UPS Shipping method as per your requirement. You can navigate to settings as:
- Navigate tores > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Methods > UPS.
General Settings
The general setting fields are as shown below:
- Enabled for Checkout: Select Yes from the drop-to enable the UPS shipping method.
- UPS Type: You can get real-time rates or real-time rates with the print label. The available options are as given below:
- United Parcel Services: You get only real time rates for UPS shipping method.
- United Parcel Services XML: You get real-time rates, as well as you, can print the labels for UPS shipping method.
API settings
API settings are used to get real rates, labels and tracking information from UPS.
For accessing UPS APIs, you need to register with UPS. After registration is complete, you get User ID, Password, Access Key and Account Number UPS.
How to register with UPS ?
- Sign up with UPS.com to get Account details.
- Register with My UPS.
- Log-in with your UPS credentials.
- Request for an access key.
After registration, you get User ID, password, Access License Number, and Gateway XML URL.
API Setting fields are as shown below:
- Live account: Live mode is used for actual purchase and label printing. The available options are as given below:
- Yes: Enable the use of the Live account.
- No: Disable the use of the Live account.
- Password: Enter the password of your account.
- User ID: Enter User ID which provided by UPS.
- Mode: With this field, you can set a required API mode for printing the labels. The available options are as given below:
- Development: This mode is used do some test purchasing and sample label printing by using UPS API.
Please, contact UPS to obtain development credentials and Gateway XML URL.
Note: This mode is used only for development purpose and Custo this mode. - Live: Live mode is used for actual purchase and label printing.
- Development: This mode is used do some test purchasing and sample label printing by using UPS API.
- Gateway XML URL: Enter Gateway XML URL provided by UPS.
Origin of the Shipment Setting
It is the origin from where you are shipping items.The setting field is as shown below:
Select a required option from the given drop-down list. The options available are as given below:
- United States Domestic Shipment: You can send the shipment within the United States.
- Shipments Originating in the United States: You can send the shipment from the United States to any place where UPS Service is available.
- Shipments Originating in Canda: You can send the shipment from Canada to any place where UPS Service is available.
- Shipments Originating in the European Union: You can send the shipment from the European Union to any place where UPS Service is available.
- Polish Domestic Shipment: You can send the shipment within Poland.
- Puerto Rico.
- Shipments Originating in Mexico: You can send the shipment from Mexico to any place where UPS Service is available.
- Shipments Originating in Other Countries: You can send the shipment from any country where UPS Service is available .
Negotiated Rates
Negotiated Rates are the contract rates established with UPS and your UPS Account Representative. Enabling Negotiated Rates within your shipping systems allows you to view the most current and accurate rates for your UPS account.
The Setting is as shown below:
The available options are as given below:
- Yes: Enables negotiated rates if your account has negotiated rates available.
- No: Disables negotiated rates.
Title Setting
A title is visible on the Checkout page. Specify Title as required(defined by you). The setting is as shown below:
Package Request Type
Here, you can select the package type for packing the order. The shipping cost changes according to the option selected . The Settings are as shown below:
- Packages Request Type: The available options are as given below:
- Divide total of the cart.
- Use Origin Weight (few request): Package is selected on the basis of each product’s weight.
- Shipper Number: If you have enabled negotiated rates, enter shipper number to get the negotiated rates.
- Container: Select a required container for packing the items from the drop-down list. The available options are as given below:
- Customer Packaging
- UPS Letter Envelope
- Customer supplied Packages
- UPS Tube
- UPS Express Box
- UPS Worldwide 25 kilo
- UPS Worldwide 10 kilo
- Pallet
- Small Express Box
- Medium Express Box
- Large Express Box
- Weight Unit: Extension converts product weight to UPS. The available options are as given below:
- LBS: Product weight gets converted to UPS API.
- KGS: Product weight gets converted to UPS API.
Shipment Tracking URL Setting
To get the shipment tracking information, enter the tracking URL provided by UPS in the setting as given below:
Destination Type
With this field, you can select the destination type either residential or commercial. The Setting is as shown below:
Maximum Package Weight
Enter the required maximum limit for the single package after consulting the carrier. The setting is as shown below:
Pickup Method
According to your convenience, you can plan pickup methods by using this field. The setting is as shown below:
The available options are as given below:
- Regular Daily Pickup
- On Call Air
- One Time Pickup
- Letter Center
- Customer Counter
For more information, See UPS Pickup Options.
Minimum Package Weight
Enter the required minimum limit for the single package after consulting the carrier. The setting is as shown below:
Handling Fee Settings
You can add the extra shipping price total order. The settings are as shown below:
Allowed Methods
You can select the methods which you want tomers, you can specify free shipping methods, or you can specify the threshold amount for free shipping. The settings are as given below:
- Allowed Methods:Select the methods which you want down list.
- Free Methods: Select the methods which you want down list.
- Free Shipping Amount Threshold: Select Enable option from the drop-to specify the threshold amount for free shipping.
- Free Shipping Amount Threshold: If the order amount is more than the specified amount, then you need to your requirement.
Displayed Error Message
In case, the customer. The setting is as shown below:
Country Settings
The Country settings are as shown below:
Ship to select countries for shipping. The available options are as given below:
- All allowed Countries: This option provides availability of the extension tomers in all countries which are set in General Settings. It is set as a default option.
- Specific Countries: This option allows you to add the list of countries. Shipping Method gets available only in the listed countries.
Show Method if Not Applicable
This field allows you to show the shipping method even if the shipping method is not available for the order. The setting is as shown below:
Select Yes from the drop-to show method even if not applicable.
If you are not getting proper rates( lesser or higher than expected), not getting all the available shipping options, or not getting rates at all, then you enableDebug option to find error(s). By enabling debug mode, you can trace issue using log. The Setting is as shown below:
Select Yes option from the drop-to enable debug mode.
Sort Order
If more than one shipping methods are enabled, then this option allows you to position the shipping method among all the available that will be displayed on the checkout page. The setting is as shown below:
Specify the number to show this shipping method on the checkout page.
For Example: Sort order for FedEx is 1, UPS is 2 and Stamps – USPS is 3, then the shipping services for Stamps – USPS will be displayed after FedEx and UPS.
After setting up UPS Configuration Settings, your customer can select the required items and place the order. The Checkout page is as shown below:
Click Next and Place the order.
Create Shipment Label
- To create the shipment and print the label, Navigate to Dashboard > Sales > Orders. The order page appears as shown below:
- Click View to ship the order as shown below:
- To Create the shipment, select checkbox Create Shipping Label and click Submit Shipment as below:
- Select Create Shipment Label checkbox and click Submit Shipment. Click Add Products to package. Click Save.
- The Created shipment with Message appears as shown below:
Label Printing
To print label, Navigate dow appears as shown below:
Click View, the window appears as shown below:
Click Print Shipping Label, the sample label appears as shown below: