5 Must-Know eCommerce Trends in 2022

ecommerce trends

As the pandemic seems to stay.

Online retail is the industry that has unto succeed in the post-pandemic environment.

According tor

Attracting and retaining shoppers means retail business owners must understand and adapt dominate in 2022.

1. Voice Search

Although voice search has been around for quite a few years, it has only recently gained the traction it rightfully deserves. In 2020, nearly a third of online searches were performed via voice feature – mostly thanks to optimize their landing pages and product descriptions.

Yet, to voice search:

  • Local search
  • Searching via mobile devices

If you think about it, these three online behaviors perfectly intertwine with one another. Browsing via mobile won the hearts of Internet users thanks to its convenience, which is exactly why voice search witnessed such growth. On the other hand, searchers prefer voice interaction on mobile devices when on the go and looking for – you guessed it – a business, service, or a product nearby.

So, an eCommerce that aims to voice search, boost its local listing, and provide an impeccable user experience on mobile devices.

2. Social Media Shopping

The concept of running a business profile on relevant social media has become pretty much a standard requirement to shop from an eCommerce website – and the social networks would have none of it.

Today, Instagram and Facebook are the leading social media for shopping online. Both networks allow you to integrate your eCommerce catalog and sell your products directly via their platforms.

Social media is immensely powerful in the world of retail – not only because we spend an average of two and a half hours a day on social platforms. Its power lies in the fact that social media are preto their target audience, for their steep rise in the eCommerce realm.

Influencer marketing has brought about a new type of eCommerce content on social platforms – one that looks less like an ad, and thus, less unappealing to prospective shoppers.

3. Visual Shopping

Visual content is taking the world of online to rise in the next few years, penetrating more industries and businesses even further.

We’ve mentioned the importance of visual content on socials; however, visuals are equally valuable and effective on your website to read long and elaborate product descriptions.

In addition, the inclusion of user-generated content into your marketing strategy provides social proof of your brand. In contrast, tech trends such as QR, augmented reality, and visual ads allow a more lifelike online shopping experience.

However, as Shopify web design specialists state, visual content can be quite heavy and thus affect the site’s loading speed and deter user experience. So, before integrating any such solution to discuss the idea with your development and SEO team.

4. Omnichannel Shopping Experience

A 2020 report by Atouchpoints.

According tomer service alone.

Omnichannel shopping begins at the earliest stage of a user researching a product – a consumer is searching for, investigating, comparing, and deciding on a product in the digital landscape yet finalized their purchase in the brick-and-mortar store experience.

5. Personalization

Despite the ever-growing concerns of data abuse and calls for a more private, secure online environment, shoppers are actually more eager to purchase a product from brands that offer them a personalized shopping experience.

In the eCommerce realm, personalization comes in various forms, such as:

  • Sending a personalized promotional email with products your shopper might be interested in
  • Targeting customers with product ads on social media or across websites
  • Presenting your shoppers with products they might be keen on, based on their previous online behavior
  • Display products or campaigns based on user data such as gender, age, and location
  • Cross-sell related products at checkout

It goes without saying that the personalization of your eCommerce business ought done in compliance with all the Internet privacy rules.

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