How to Import and Export WooCommerce Coupons using Order / Coupon / Subscription Export Import Plugin?

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[/vc_cta] This article explains how to know more about the plugin features.


The WooCommerce Order / Coupon / Subscription Import-Export plugin allows you to the CSV file. Under Coupon Import / Export tab, you can import/export/merge(update existing coupons) hundreds, even thousands, of Coupons using one file which saves your effort and time of manually adding Coupons information.

For importing Coupons tore. With this plugin, you can also export Coupons details as a CSV file.

Coupons Import/Export tab

The plugin takes CSV file as input. It maps each field of CSV file to the field of a particular Coupons .

For example: Coupon ID field gets mapped to work correctly, you must map headers of all of the column correctly and you must ensure that all of the fields you enter must be in the correct format.

Note: If there is any mistake in your import  file, your Coupon import may not work as expected.

To get started you must have CSV file. You can create the one, export the coupon download Coupon Sample CSV.
You must enter the coupon details in CSV file in structured format as given below:
  • The first row must contain the column headers which are used for mapping the fields. The details about mapping field is given as below:
    Column Heading Explanation Accepted value or format
    post_title  Title of Coupon  Text
    ID  Identification number of Coupon  Numerical
     Short Description of Coupon  Text
    post_status  Status of the Coupon  Text e.g. Published, Draft, etc.
     Date of the Activation of the Coupon MM/DD/YYYY

    e.g 8/26/2016  5:30:00

    post_author  Indicates the post Author   Numerical
    discount_type  Discount type applicable for the Coupon  Text and allowed values are as given below:

    For Cart Discount, the value  is fixed_cart.
    For Cart % Discount, the value is  percent.
    For Product Discount, the value is  fixed_product.
    For Product % Discount, the value is percent_product.

    coupon_amount  Value of the Coupon  Numerical
    individual_use  Indicates whether the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons  Text

    e.g. Yes/No

    product_ids  IDs of the product. This products need to use the coupon  Numerical
    exclude_product_ids  IDs of the product. This products should not be in the cart to use the coupon  Numerical
     usage_limit Indicates the number of times the coupon can be used before it is void  Numerical
    usage_limit_per_user Indicates the number of times the coupon can be used by an individual user  Numerical
     limit_usage_to_x_items Indicates the number of times the coupon can be used for any particular product  Numerical
    expiry_date  Expiry date of the coupon  MM/DD/YYYY

    e.g. 3/30/2017

    free_shipping  Indicates whether free shipping is allowed or not.  Text

    e.g. Yes/No

    exclude_sale_items Indicates whether the coupon should apply to items on sale or not  Text

    e.g. Yes/No

    product_categories  Shows the product categories to use coupon  Numerical
    exclude_product_categories  Shows the product categories to use coupon  Numerical
     minimum_amount  Indicates the minimum spend to use the coupon  Numerical
    maximum_amount  Indicates the maximum spend to use the coupon  Numerical
     customer_email  List of allowed Email IDs, comma seperated  Text


  • Each row contains the single coupon.

To export URL Coupons Meta Data along with Coupon details from WooCommerce, please refer the article.

The Import Screen appears as shown below:

Coupons import tab
Coupon import section

You can import coupons from CSV file or merge the coupons with already existing coupons by importing updated CSV file.

Import Coupons

You can import all the required coupons by using Import Coupons. Click Import Coupons, the window appears as shown below:

Coupons import page
Coupons import page
  1. Method 1: Select a file from your computer. Click Choose File to browse a required CSV file from your computer.
  2. Method 2: Provide FTP Details. If your CSV file is on the server, then do FTP settings as explained below:
    1. Select the checkbox to enable FTP import/export.
    2. Enter FTP Server Host/IP.
    3. Enter FTP User Name.
    4. Enter FTP Password.
    5. Enter FTP Port number.
    6. Enter FTP Server Path.
    7. Select the checkbox to use FTPS.
  3. You get the mapping file option(s) for audown list as shown below:

    Mapping File
    Mapping File
  4. Enter the delimiter which separates the mapping values.
  5. Click Upload file and Import. The import window appears as shown below:

    Coupons import map fields
    Coupons import map fields
  6. You can map the fields(Woocommerce fields) with column headings ( CSV file header). Map a particular field of Map down list as shown below:
    Coupon import mapping the field
    Coupon map column headers

    Select a required option from the drop-to ID.

    Note: Mapping is very helpful if you are importing CSV from some other e-Commerce platform like Magento.

    Evaluation field

    It is used to modify the field are as given below:

    Settings for Evaluation fields
    Settings for Evaluation fields
    • Assign any required constant value to field (=)
      For Example : Suppose, you want to Coupon Type. Under Evaluation field, write =Cart Discount in Coupon Type row.
    • Add any required value to field (+)
      For Example : Suppose, you want to Usage Limit Per Coupon. Under Evaluation field, write +5 in Usage Limit Per Coupon row.
    • Reduce any required value from field (-)
      For Example : Suppose, you want to reduce 5 from Usage Limit Per User. Under Evaluation field, write -5 in Usage Limit Per User row.
    • Multiply by any required value to field (*)
      For Example : Suppose, you want to Maximum Amount by 1.05. Under Evaluation field, write *1.05 in Maximum Amount row.
    • Divide by any required value to field (/)
      For Example : Suppose, you want to divide Minimum Amount by 2. Under Evaluation field, write /2 in Minimum Amount row.
    • Append any field by required value
      For Example : Suppose, you want to append Coupon Short Description with By HikeForce. Under Evaluation field, write &By HikeForce in Coupon Short Description row.
    • Prepend any field by required value
      For Example : Suppose, you want to prepend Coupon Title by XAdapter. Under Evaluation field, write &XAdapter[VAL] in Coupon Title row.

    Note : Hover the mouse on ? (Help), you can see the information about Evaluation field.

  7. After mapping all the required field, you can save these mapping  and evaluation fields in a file (user defined) by using Mapping file name field.
  8. Click Submit.
  9. According dow appears as shown below:
    Coupon Import Window

    To see the imported coupon, navigate dow appears as shown below:

    Imported Coupons
    Imported Coupons

Merge Coupons

Suppose your existing coupons got modified. To reflect that modified coupon intore, you can update the current Coupons by importing modified Coupon CSV file. This is called a merging of the Coupon.

Steps to merge Coupons

  1. Select Merge coupons if exists checkbox for modifying Coupons as shown below:

    Merge coupon window[/caption]</li srcset=
  2. Click Import Coupons, you get Merge Coupons window as shown below:

    [caption id="attachment_71896" align="aligncenter" width="907"]Merge coupons page Merge coupons page

  3. Browse the updated CSV file by clicking on Choose file or by using FTP.
  4. You get the mapping file option(s) for audown list as shown below:

    Mapping File
    Mapping File
  5. Enter the delimiter which separates the values.
  6. Click Upload file and Import. The Merge Coupon Window appears as shown below:

    Merge Coupon Window[/caption]</li srcset=
  7. Re-Map the fields if required.
  8. Click Submit.
  9. According dow appears as shown below:

    [caption id="attachment_7276" align="aligncenter" width="1209"]Merge Coupon Window[/caption]

<strong srcset=Note: If Coupon ID does not exist, then the coupon is imported as a new coupon.

Export Coupons

If you export Coupons using the plugin, you get the CSV file which contains the data about all the Coupons of the WooCommerce online store.

You can export all the required Coupons by using the Export Coupons option. The window appears as shown below:

[caption id="attachment_71886" align="aligncenter" width="1161"]Export Coupons in CSV Format Export coupons in CSV format
  1. Offset: Enter the row number of coupon at which you wish to start the export.
  2. Limit: Enter the maximum number of coupons that you wish to export.
  3. Coupons Types:  Select Coupon Types for which you want to provide discount from the given list:

    Export by coupon types
    Export by coupon types
  4. Sort Columns: Enter the column name(s) by which you want to sort the products by more than one column name, enter Comma(‘,’) in between the column names.
  5. Coupon Amount: Specify the amount limits by using From Amount and To Amount spin boxes.
  6. Coupon Expiry Date: Select the date from which you want to export the coupons.
  7. Delimiter: With this field, you can change the comma separated file to your requirement.
  8. Columns: if you want do that, simply enter the required column name for the specific column.
  9. Click Export Coupons, the CSV file gets auto your computer. The sample exported coupon CSV file is as shown below:
    Exported CSV
    Exported CSV

    Note: You can download the Sample Exported CSV .

Export Coupon(s) from Coupons Page

You can directly to Dashboard > WooCommerce > Coupons. The Coupons page appears as shown below:

Coupons Page
Coupons Page
  • Click Download to CSV file.
  • To export bulk coupons, select them. From Bulk Action drop-to CSV file.

Export URL Coupons

To export the URL coupon details along with the metadata, you need to add the code snippet in the child theme’s functions.php.
Note: WooCommerce URL Coupons plugin must be installed in your online sto export the URL Coupon.

Once the WooCommerce URL Coupons plugin is installed, you can add the URL Coupon tore. It is shown as below:

Edit URL Coupon
Edit URL Coupon

After adding the URL coupon,  you can export the details of Coupon with the metadata. The metadata fields are as given below:

  • meta:_wc_url_coupons_unique_url
  • meta:_wc_url_coupons_redirect_page
  • meta:_wc_url_coupons_redirect_page_type
  • meta:_wc_url_coupons_product_ids
  • meta:_wc_url_coupons_defer_apply

Check out our Order / Coupon / Subscription Export Import Plugin for Woo.
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