Export WordPress Users Using WordPress User & WooCommerce Customers Import Export Plugin

Exporting WordPress users is important in scenarios when you need to export all these data is by using the right plugin.

WordPress Users & WooCommerce Customers Import Export Plugin - Export Settings

Export Users in CSV Format

Each of the fields in the export page is explained below:

User Roles: This field allows you to export details from the given list:

User Roles
User Roles

The fields Offset and Limit allow you to the CSV file. The value of the Offset field determines the number of users that will be skipped before exporting. And the value in the Limit field determines the number of users that will be exported beginning from the offset value.

The Start Date and the End Date fields allow you to export the users.

Delimiter: This field allows you to your requirement. By default, the comma is used as the delimiter in the CSV.

Select a mapping file for export: From here, you can select an existing mapping file for export. This option is enabled only when you create your first mapping file.

Columns: Select the checkbox for required columns if you want do that, simply enter the required column name for the specific column.

Save the export mapping: In this field, enter a mapping filename for exporting.

Click Export Users, the CSV file gets auto your computer. The sample users CSV file is as shown below:

Exported Users
Exported Users

Export User(s) from Users Page

Not only from the plugin page, you can also export the users from the Users page. This allows you to a CSV file.

To to Dashboard > WooCommerce > Users. The Users page appears as shown below:

Users Page
Users Page
  • To export Users, select the users that you need. From Bulk Action drop-to CSV file on your computer.
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