1. Proceed to the cart, proceed with clicking on View Cart.
2. Proceed with Payment from Checkout Page: Even though you to create a Paypal account, click on “Proceed with Paypal”. Paypal can even be used as a payment gateway for your Credit Card or Debit Card, with out creating Paypal account.
3. You have Paypal Account: If you have a Paypal account, you can proceed with login with Paypal account and complete the Payment. This is not mandadon’t have a Paypal account.
4. You to proceed with paying using your credit card or debit card. You can ignore Paypal login process in this case.
5. Pay using Credit Card: Click on ‘Credit Card’ tab to proceed with paying by credit card.
6. Complete Transaction: You can fill in your credit card details and click on ‘Pay’ butto proceed with Payment and complete the transaction.
7. Download and install the plugin: Please, See